Virtual Reality (VR) fights against Obesity Epidemic
The Obesity Epidemic It cannot be denied that nutrition plays a vital role in our life and malnutrition, the condition in which body does...
Career Navigation for College Students
This is a five-week online course designed for international college students in the U.S. who wish to seek a full time job opportunity...
Applying flipped learning strategies in online environment
In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in adopting flipped learning not only in K-12 but also in higher education. Many...
Authenticity in teaching
Disclaimer: I never teach online so it is a real challenge for me to answer these questions given the lack of teaching experience. In...
Siemens' Connectivism vs. Kolb's Experiential Learning
Background about this post George Siemens tells us “Learning is a continual process, lasting for a lifetime. Learning and work related...
What do I like to learn online?
With the emergence of new technologies, e-learning has inundated in the workplace around the world and become an integral component of...
What I've learned about Educational Games
Last Spring, I took the class Advanced Game Design as part of my master's program at Teachers College, Columbia University to stretch my...
Future of Educational Technology
After reading the Facer and Sandford (2010)’s article, I was so fascinated to think of how the world in general and the field of...
Final Project Progress Update
Photo courtesy of (Source) This week, I focused on consolidating the literature in regard to interactions in discussion forums of...
Final Project Progress Update
Before updating my final project progress, I would briefly explain the background of my study, research methodologies, and research...