Instructional Video
Planning Statement
1. Learning objectives
After viewing the tutorial, the learners are able to describe what Scratch is in their own words without using further reference.
The learners are able to indicate different components/areas of Scratch interface without referring to Help section.
In five minutes, the learners are able to sign up for a Scratch account and log in successfully.
2. Audience
The target audience is undergraduate students of School of Education (SOE) – St. Cloud State University (SCSU). The learners have no prior knowledge or experience with computer programming. However, most of them have taken and passed the Information Media Computer Competency Exam in which the students have to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in operating a computer and browsing the Internet. Therefore, they have sufficient entry skills to follow the tutorial.
3. Main points covered in the tutorial?
Brief introduction of Scratch
How to sign up for a new account and log in
Explanation of different functions and components of Scratch interface